The body
Today i'm going to do the task wich is connected with the speech, videlicet, the body.
Supporting Point Two;
Supporting Point Three.
The introduction
- Asking a question
- "Robbing" techers of greatest tool, like a students' questions
The body
- Curiosity comes 1st
- Embrace the mess
- Practice reflection
The conclusion
- The metatphor for all kids, aiming at asking question.-Teachers should promote students' curiosity
So, as well as the introduction, the body part has the basic formula of three too.
- Introduction — Establish topic and core message; list supporting points.
- Body:
Supporting Point Two;
Supporting Point Three.
- Conclusion — Recap main points; summarize core message; call-to-action.
TASK 1. Let’s try and extract the outline from one of the following performance. Choose one speech and make its outline. Make sure you provide a detailed structure of the body of the speech. You can use the sample outline in paragraph 4.2 as an example.
I've chosen speech №3 - “3 rules to spark learning” by Ramsey Musallam at TED Talks Education
The outline:In general this speaker presented to everyone different ways of teaching.
The introduction
- Asking a question
Have you ever found yourself at a restaurant spacing out just doing this over and over?- Life story about students' curiosity
- "Robbing" techers of greatest tool, like a students' questions
The body
- Curiosity comes 1st
- Embrace the mess
- Practice reflection
The conclusion
- The metatphor for all kids, aiming at asking question.-Teachers should promote students' curiosity
Good job. You could have extended each line but it's ok.