The body

Today i'm going to do the task wich is connected with the speech, videlicet, the body.
So, as well as the introduction, the body part has the basic formula of three too.
  • Introduction — Establish topic and core message; list supporting points.
  • Body:
      Supporting Point One;
      Supporting Point Two;
      Supporting Point Three.

  • Conclusion — Recap main points; summarize core message; call-to-action.

TASK 1. Let’s try and extract the outline from one of the following performance. Choose one speech and make its outline. Make sure you provide a detailed structure of the body of the speech. You can use the sample outline in paragraph 4.2 as an example.

I've chosen speech №3 - “3 rules to spark learning” by Ramsey Musallam at TED Talks Education

The outline:
In general this speaker presented to everyone different ways of teaching.

The introduction
- Asking a question
Have you ever found yourself at a restaurant spacing out just doing this over and over?
- Life story about students' curiosity
- "Robbing" techers of greatest tool, like a students' questions

The body
- Curiosity comes 1st
- Embrace the mess
- Practice reflection

The conclusion
- The metatphor for all kids, aiming at asking question.-Teachers should promote students' curiosity


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